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MPT - Manual Physical Therapy Table

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Product Features

The Manual Physical Therapy Table (MPT) is the most popular table for manual physical therapists. Its additional features compliment the extensive skills of the present day health care practitioner.

The optional Adjustable Center Section allows for passive placement of the lumbar spine into flexion, extension, or side flexion. This feature enables accurate positioning for spinal mobilization/manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, muscle energy techniques, and muscle stretching techniques. In addition, this feature can also be utilized with deep tip postural drainage, as well as providing a supported position for gravity pendular treatments with the assistance of a powered actuator, which can be controlled by either a handheld or foot pedal device.

Cardon Soft Touch Technology

Cardon’s patented Soft Touch Footswitch has been strategically positioned on the base of your treatment table. Minimal amount of pressure applied by your foot will raise and lower the table with ease.

Electric Hi-Lo Control Soft Touch Technology
Height Adjustment 19" - 35.25"
Face Cut-Out on Head Section Keyhole cut-out with filler
Head Section Adjustment Positive locking system with dual head support
Electric Hi-Lo Control Soft Touch Technology
Height Adjustment 19" - 35.25"
Face Cut-Out on Head Section Keyhole cut-out with filler
Head Section Adjustment Positive locking system with dual head support

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